Rename Multiple Files on Linux Mint, Linux Ubuntu or other Linux Distro with Bulk File Renaming Utility for Linux. The Screenshot of this File Renamer Utility has been captured on Linux Mint and it should work with other Ubuntu variants of Linux as well. This Graphical User Interface Linux Application provides the Bulk File Renaming features from a single Window which is really easy to understand and use. In order to rename Multiple Files on your Linux Computer with this File Renamer Utility, all you need to do is tell this application about the files to be renamed. You can use drag / drop or use the select folder button to direct this File Renamer Utility to the files to be renamed.

Linux File Renamer running on Linux Mint
The above screenshot can give you a fair idea of how the bulk file renaming is supported by this Linux File Renamer Utility. First of all note that there is a Select Folder Button at the bottom right corner of the above screenshot which allows you to select a folder containing files to be renamed. You can alternatively Drag Files / Folders from your Explorer Window onto the Main Window of this Linux Tool and the File Renamer will automatically load the list of files found in the selected Directory and it’s Sub Directories. Once you have loaded the list of files to be renamed, you can specify the File Rename Parameters and preview the new file name in the list of files. You can add Files from Multiple Folders and change File Names by clicking on the Rename Files Button.

Rename Multiple Files in Linux
Download Linux File Renamer with Graphical User Interface on your 32 Bit Linux Computer to Rename Files in Bulk. You can also Download 64 Bit version of this Linux File Renamer Utility to Rename Files in Bulk on your Linux Computer running Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. In order to verify whether you are running 32 bit or 64 bit Linux, you can run the command uname -m and if the output of the uname command is like x86_64 then yes you are running a 64 bit Linux Operating System , else you are using a 32 bit Linux Operating System.
Adding Prefix to File Names and Changing File Names by doing a Search and Replace String Operation is supported by this File Renaming Utility. This is the first version of the software and yes it has been tested and before actually renaming the files loaded in the list, you can preview the new file names so that you are happy with the new file names. The screenshot of the software also displays both the renaming operations.
This Website has lots of other free applications for Linux, Windows, Android and Mac OS X Operating Systems to download. In case you also use Windows Operating System, you can have a look at Windows File Renamer Utility which works on most of the Windows Operating Systems and you can use the same version on 32 bit and even on 64 bit version.
We also provide Custom Linux Software Development Services and in case you feel that a customized version of this Linux File Renamer or anything might be useful to you, please do contact us for Custom Software Development Services. Finally do test the bulk file renaming functionality of this software on some test files and only when you do fully understand the features of the software, use the software to rename actual files. Remember that once the files are renamed, this Linux File Rename Tool does not have any undo functionality.