The Freeware Windows Application presented here will let you Shutdown your Windows Computer using inbuilt Windows Shutdown Functionality. As you can see from the screenshots given here in this post, Windows Operating System itself displays informational messages as and when your computer is supposed to shutdown. The Timed Windows Shutdown Initiated by this Daanav Freeware Application is presented in simple tow button. You can schedule your Windows computer to shutdown after any number of minutes as configured in the software. In case you would like to abort the initiated Windows Shutdown, there is a Abort Shutdown button available on the Daanav Shutdown Helper Software as displayed in the screenshot below.

Daanav Shutdown Helper for Windows
This Windows Shutdown Software can be closed after scheduling the System Shutdown and you do not need this Windows Software running in your Computer memory eating up CPU cycles, memory and other computer resources. You can schedule your Windows Computer to Shutdown with this Freeware Application for as minimum as 1 minute. There are many other software utilities available on Internet which do help you to schedule Windows Shutdown, however this freeware can be one of the best Windows Shutdown Software Application for scheduling Shutdown of Windows Computer with easy and quick buttons to Initiate and Abort System Shutdown.

Windows Shutdown Information Message
Once you Initiate Windows Shutdown using this Free Windows Application, Microsoft Windows will display a confirmation message. The Text, Look and Feel of the Windows Shutdown Message will vary depending on after how long you want to schedule Windows Shutdown. The above screenshots have been captured on Windows 7 and similar type of confirmation messages will be displayed by Windows on Windows 8, Windows Vista and other Windows Operating Systems.
The Type of Shutdown Initiated using this Free Windows Shutdown Software is Forced. In other words, whenever your Computer is Shutdown using this scheduled way, it will be forced or brutal shutdown and any unsaved data or file will be lost. Do use this software with care and make sure that you know what you are doing before scheduling shutdown of your Windows Computer. As this Windows Shutdown is done by using Microsoft Windows Operating System itself, your computer will shutdown at the scheduled time irrespective of whether your computer is hanged or not responding at the time of shutdown or you have any unsaved data or anything else. In case you would like to know more about how this software works or want to investigate other technical behavior search for Windows Shutdown Command Line which is basically the heart of the software. Instead of letting users struggle with complex command line options and calculation, this Free Windows Shutdown Software provides quick and easy access to Windows Shutdown Tool.

Windows Shutdown Aborted Information Message
The Above Screenshot represents an informational message that is displayed in Windows 7, when the initiated Shutdown is aborted. On Windows 8 computers, the information message will be presented in a different way, but the concept remains the same. You will get informational messages as and when Microsoft provides information to you for the scheduled shutdown of your Windows Computer.
In case you do not have access to shutdown your Windows Computer, this you would need to get appropriate access before using this free Windows Shutdown Utility to initiate scheduled shutdown of Windows Computers. Download this Freeware Application on your Windows computer and shutdown your Windows PC as as and when you want it. Once you have scheduled Windows Shutdown and you do have received a confirmation message from Windows about the initiated shutdown, you can simply close the application. You can alternatively use the Quick Windows Shutdown Software to initiate Shutdown of Windows Operating System without scheduling Shutdown for a later time. The Quick Shutdown Software allows you to shutdown windows with a Desktop Shortcut and gives other options as well like Hibernate, Log Off, Restart, etc.