This post presents an Image Optimizer Software Application for Windows. You can Download the Image Optimizer Software for Free without any sort of Registration and try out it’s various features. The Free Trial version of the Software is only limited by the number of times you can use the software. This Free to try Image Optimizer Software Application does not adds any Watermark to the Images and the Images Optimized by this software are good enough to satisfy Google and other Search Engines. Rest of the post below outlines it’s various features and displays how you can optimize images in Bulk within a matter of minutes. All you need to do is Add Images to the Image Optimizer Software and Optimize them with Menu options provided.

Image Optimizer Software for Windows
Download the Image Optimizer Software on your Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 Computer and try out this fully functional Image Optimizer Software for Free. The above Screenshot of Image Optimizer has also been Optimized by this Image Optimizer Software. As displayed in the above screenshot, you can right click in the while colored list to view the available options to add Images to Optimize, Locate the Selected Image in Windows Explorer, Edit the Image file in Default Software and two options to Optimize the Images.

Image Optimizer with Image Loaded to Optimize
The above Screenshot displays an Image loaded in Image Optimizer ready to be Optimized. The Loaded image is a PNG File which is best for Websites due to smaller size. Note that the Dimensions of the Image and Size of the Image as occupied on the Hard Disk is also displayed in the Image Optimizer Software. The lower part of the software displays the selected Image so that you can verify that the correct Image is loaded in the Image Optimizer software. Yes the Image added above has also been optimized with Image Optimizer.

Images Optimized with Image Optimizer in Windows Explorer
Whether you wish to add images to your Website or share Images in Bulk, having Images optimized saves you Hard Disk Space and save you Bandwidth for Uploading and Downloading the Images. This Image Optimizer optimizes images in a loss-less manner so that even after being optimized, they look almost exactly as they were before. The Image produced by Optimizer Software are compressed in the best way and Google and other Search Engines are happy with the quality of the images produced.

Image Converter Software for Windows
Current Version of Image Optimizer can be used as PNG Image Optimizer as it handles PNG Images only. Yes PNG Images are good for Websites and for Search Engine Optimization purpose as they displays an Image in best possible way and with smaller size on Hard Disk as compared to other Image Formats. In case you would like to convert your existing images to PNG File format, you can download the Free Image Converter Software on your Windows Computer and then use the Image Optimizer to Optimize PNG Images easily, quickly and without uploading them to online websites. You can also treat this Image Optimizer as Image Compressor which compresses the bits and bytes of Images and produces Image Files which occupy smaller space on Hard Disk.